Project Launching Event
The project was launched during a press conference held on the 28th of February 2020 in the Multicultural Museum Pavilion (PaMM, Dumbrava Sibiului). The project’s objectives and activities were presented in detail by Diana Roman (Project manager), Mirela Iancu (Exhibition coordinator) and Lucian Robu (Cultural program coordinator).
The conference was attended by representatives of the local press, the discussions being centered on the project’s timeline and the means through which technology will be used in communicating cultural heritage to the young audience.
“The novelty brought forth by this project consists in the use of new media technology in communicating stories that contextualize the three selected museum households to the young audience. Starting from next year, the public will meet wax candle makers or shepherds from Răşinari or SebeÅŸul de Jos by means of VR headsets. They will learn how these people used to live and work, but they will also have access to the conservation and restoration actions taken for the 13 objects included in the project, an often unseen side of the museum’s activities”, declared Mirela Iancu, Cultural Marketing Director and coordinator of the new exhibition.
