Joint Actions
ASTRA Museum has developed projects financed thorough the EEA Grants in partnership with Museene i Sør Trøndelag A/S (MiST, Norway) since 2014. The experience gained and the good relations developed while implementing the Open Heritage project have led to the identification of new themes of common interest for both partners.
In this project, our Norwegian partner has a consultative role regarding heritage management and the implementation of new media technology in interpreting the ethnographic heritage. Our collaboration will consist of periodic online work sessions, bringing forth topics such as innovative techniques of presenting informative content as a means of interpreting cultural heritage, creating an exhibition that appeals to the young generation, as well as aspects concerning the restoration of heritage objects. These discussions will be attended by specialists from both museums, covering good case practices of the partner organization, but also techniques and methods that up until now have not been used in either museum.